Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities as References for

Just Climate Solutions:

The Brazil Fund's Experience

It is well known that Indigenous peoples represent 5% of the world's population, their territories cover approximately one-quarter of the Earth's surface, and they safeguard 80% of our biodiversity.

Local communities, in turn, lead rational economic practices through productive systems rooted in socio-bioeconomics, contributing to alternative development models that respect nature, human life, and community dynamics.

But what does this actually mean in practice? This publication presents concrete experiences that have improved both people's quality of life and the environment through the collective struggle for territorial rights and the preservation of traditional living.

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About Us

Brazil Human Rights Fund’s mission is to promote respect for human rights in Brazil, building innovative and sustainable mechanisms to channel resources to strengthen civil society organizations and to develop philanthropy for social justice.

In 17 years, we have granted over R$ 84 million to 1,650 human rights projects in multiple causes. Of this total, more than 470 projects focus on Indigenous peoples and local communities.

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